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What are the inductor structures?

2023-02-17 11:33:44   Visit:349

                 What are the inductor structures?

One, skeleton skeleton generally refers to the winding bracket. Some of the larger volume of fixed inductors or adjustable inductors (such as oscillation coil, choke coil, etc.), most of the enamelled wire (or gauze wire) around the skeleton, and then the core or copper core, iron core into the inner cavity of the skeleton, in order to improve its inductance. The skeleton is usually made of plastic, bakelite, ceramic, and can be made into different shapes according to actual needs. Small inductors (such as color code inductors) generally do not use a skeleton, but wrap enamelled wire directly around the core. Hollow inductors (also known as tire coil or hollow coil, mostly used in high frequency circuit) do not use magnetic core, skeleton and shielding cover, but first wound on the mold and then remove the mold, and the coil between the coil between a certain distance.

Two, winding winding refers to a group of coils with specified functions, it is the basic part of the inductor. The winding can be divided into single layer and multiple layer. The single-layer winding also has two forms: close winding (one circle of wire next to another circle) and interwinding (a certain distance is separated between each circle of wire during winding). There are many kinds of multilayer winding, such as layered flat winding, chaotic winding and honeycomb winding.

Three, magnetic core and rod magnetic core and rod generally adopt nickel zinc ferrite (NX series) or manganese zinc ferrite (MX series) and other materials, it has "work" shape, column shape, cap shape, "E" shape, pot shape and other shapes.

Four, the core core material is mainly silicon steel sheet, Permo alloy, its shape is mostly "E" type.

Five, shield cover In order to avoid the magnetic field generated by some inductors in the operation of other circuits and components of the normal work, the increase of metal screen cover (such as the oscillation coil of semiconductor radio, etc.). The inductor with shield will increase the loss of the coil and reduce the Q value.

Six, packaging materials some inductors (such as color code inductors, color ring inductors, etc.) after winding, use packaging materials to seal the coil and core. Packaging materials are plastic or epoxy resin, etc.


Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.

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