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The role of the pulse transformer

2023-02-20 15:25:09   Visit:340

                  The role of the pulse transformer

Pulse transformer is generally used in the switching power supply, his role is actually the same as the ordinary transformer, is to AC voltage, the difference is that the ordinary transformer voltage is sine wave and pulse transformer voltage is a certain or adjustable duty ratio of the square wave (can be understood as pulse signal), currently commonly used PWM signal that is pulse width modulation signal.

Pulse transformer transformer signal is much higher than the frequency of different power transformers, generally 10K- 100kHZ, and the ordinary power transformer for 50HZ. So the efficiency of the pulse transformer is much higher than the ordinary transformer, the volume can also be much smaller, the volume can be reduced - this is the switching power supply than the linear power supply (ordinary power transformer power supply) one of the superior characteristics.

It is not the pulse transformer but the control circuit at the front of the transformer that turns the sine wave into the pulse wave output. He makes high-frequency pulse width voltage by filtering and recirculating the PWM signal into DC, and then converts the pulse width voltage into DC by filtering and recirculating.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.

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