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What is a high-frequency transformer?

2023-02-23 09:46:00   Visit:328

          What is a high-frequency transformer?

High frequency transformer is the power transformer whose working frequency exceeds intermediate frequency (10kHz). It is mainly used as the high frequency switching power transformer in the high frequency switching power supply. It is also used as the high frequency inverter power transformer in the high frequency inverter power supply and the high frequency inverter welding machine. According to the working frequency, it can be divided into several grades: 10kHz-50kHz, 50kHz-100kHz, 100kHz ~ 500kHz, 500kHz ~ 1MHz, 10MHz above.

High frequency transformer is the most important component of switching power supply, high frequency transformer computer protection device summarizes the domestic and foreign counterparts on the basis of many years of application experience, combined with the actual characteristics of the domestic integrated automation system, the development of protection, monitoring, control, communication and other functions in one of the high-tech products of power automation, It is an ideal electrical unit for intelligent high-frequency transformer.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.


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