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Differences between power modules and switching power supplies

2023-05-15 16:54:59   Visit:172

       Differences between power modules and switching power supplies

At present, there are many kinds of switching power supply, and module power supply is one of them. Module power supply is based on the idea of switching power supply, their principle is not much different, mainly its small size, high conversion efficiency, good stability and other advantages. Although switching power supply can achieve greater power, but the volume will be large, conversion efficiency is low, stability is not as good as module power supply.

Now the modular power supply market is mature, different suppliers have introduced a variety of different modules, with different input voltage, output power, function and topology. There are also different certificates for high and low end, different applications and foreign trade markets. The standard products can help electronic product designers quickly complete the power supply circuit.

1, the difference in use:

Module power supply: output voltage, remote switch circuit, input protection circuit.

Switching power supply: A power supply that controls the ratio of switching on and off time to maintain a stable output voltage.

2. Differences in composition:

Switching power supply: Generally by pulse width modulation (PWM) control IC and MOSFET composition.

Module power supply: It is composed of a power module and a small number of discrete components.

3. Differences in principle

Module power supply and switching power supply principle is the same, is the use of PWM control mode, the converter is mostly the same.

4. Structural differences

The device of module power supply is mainly patch, while the switching power supply is mainly DIP straight plug-in, and the switching power supply mainly refers to the grid shell power supply.

5. Preservation differences

The module power supply adopts a fully sealed shell, which has good anti-salt spray, anti-mold, anti-moisture, and anti-dust effect.

6. Reliability differences

Reliability, mainly to see what kind of circuit, the reliability of the single end of the excitation is generally relatively high, double end design is more difficult.

7. Performance differences

In terms of overall performance, module power supply is better than switching power supply. General military power supply requires the use of fully sealed power module.

8. Volume difference

The development direction of switching power supply is miniaturization, and module power supply is the general trend.

9. Differences in heat dissipation design

In the heat dissipation design, the contact surface of the module power supply during the main heat dissipation period is larger than that of the switching power supply. In addition, the module power supply is generally equipped with a radiator, which greatly reduces the temperature rise and improves the reliability of the power supply.

For more knowledge about power modules and transformers, you can consult Zou Gong, senior design engineer of Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., LTD.


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