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DCDC isolated power supply circuit

2023-06-07 17:09:19   Visit:152

              DCDC isolated power supply circuit

DCDC isolated power supply circuit is also known as the conversion circuit, its main function is to carry out input and output voltage conversion. Generally the input voltage within 72 volts of the voltage conversion process known as conversion. Common power supply is mainly divided into vehicle and communication series and general industrial and consumer series, the former use of voltage is generally 48 volts, 36 volts, 24 volts, the latter use of power supply voltage is generally below 24 volts. Different application field rules are different, such as the circuit commonly used is 12 volts, 5 volts, 3, 3 volts, analog circuit power supply commonly used 5 volts or 15 volts, digital circuit commonly used 3, 3 volts, etc.

The 3W isolation power module JW3510 produced by Shenzhen YLZ Science and Technology is developed and tested on DEMO board. The input is DC3-36V and the maximum output is about 5W. Derating is recommended. The efficiency is related to the input voltage and the ratio of turns of the transformer. The higher the input voltage is, the higher the efficiency is. It is recommended to increase the ratio of turns when the input voltage is low.

For high stability requirements, the best input TVS and insurance, two indirect 102/2KV capacitors.

For the output voltage accuracy requirements are relatively high, the tolerance of the feedback resistance is 1% accuracy (maximum resistance value is 100 kω), and the output pipe is low-voltage differential tube or MOS tube rectification.

For more knowledge about power module circuit and transformer, you can consult Zou Gong, senior design engineer of Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., LTD.

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