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Power frequency power transformer

2023-08-18 16:05:40   Visit:124

                      Power frequency power transformer

Power frequency power transformers are also known as low-frequency transformers, isolated power transformers, power frequency transformers in the past traditional power supplies are used in a large number, and the stability of these power supplies is linear regulation, so those traditional power supplies are also known as linear power supplies. Power frequency generally refers to the frequency of the mains, in our country is 50Hz, other countries also have 60Hz. The transformer that can change the voltage of the alternating current at this frequency is called the power frequency transformer.

What is the difference between power frequency transformer and high frequency transformer? First of all, their magnetic coupling materials are not the same: the power frequency transformer uses silicon steel sheet; The magnetic coupling material of high-frequency transformer is ferrite; Both have advantages: high-frequency transformers are small in size and large in power, and high-frequency transformers generally work at 1000 Hz to several thousand Hz, or even higher frequencies; The power frequency transformer is generally 50 or 60 Hertz. The disadvantage is that the high-frequency transformer is not directly used, and there is a need to have a drive circuit, so it is often installed on a small electronic circuit board, which is generally used in household appliances such as our induction cooker and TV; The power frequency transformer we give it on 220 volts of AC can be used directly, the red lead for input, blue lead for output, yellow line for common ground, simple and fast, power frequency transformer used in the access control system can also play an anti-interference role.

In short, the essence of both frequency transformers and high-frequency transformers is the same, and it is very practical to carry out a voltage conversion.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high voltage packs, low frequency (pulse, isolation) transformers, inductors. The company is equipped with strict production process control flow, product production cycle is short, quality assurance, the products sold stable performance, long life, not easy to aging. Welcome customers to visit.


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