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Ozone generator

2023-09-08 16:13:02   Visit:96

                     Ozone generator

First, the working principle of ozone generator:

The ozone generator uses the advanced physical oxygen production principle, through the pressure swing adsorption of the oxygen production tower, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air are directly separated at normal temperature and pressure to obtain high purity oxygen; Then the corona discharge method is used to obtain ozone, and the oxygen-containing gas is generated by corona discharge under the action of alternating high-voltage electric field at normal pressure. A certain concentration of ozonated water is obtained by mixing water and ozone through the gas-liquid mixing system.

Ozone generators are divided according to the way ozone is produced, there are three main types: high voltage discharge type, ultraviolet irradiation type, electrolytic type.

According to the ozone generator structure, the dielectric barrier discharge type (DBD) and open two.

According to the structure of the ozone generator discharge chamber, it is divided into tubular and plate types.

Second, the role of ozone generator:

It is mainly divided into six aspects, respectively, sterilization, detoxification, deodorization, bleaching, preservation and oxygenation. Ozone generators are often used in the production of health products, fruit and vegetable preservation, livestock and poultry breeding, agricultural production, sewage treatment, medical and health, public disinfection, home disinfection, etc.

Shenzhen YLZ production of small household portable ozone tube generator, superoxygen (ozone) generator high pressure pack: with small size, low power consumption, ozone production and other advantages, the factory conventional stock is 5V, other parameters can be accepted design customization.

Three,Scope of application:

Schools, troops, organs, factories and other public canteens to vegetables, fruits, meat and other disinfection, reduce pesticide residues. Drinking water plants, food factories, pharmaceutical factories, cosmetics factories, aquaculture farms, sewage treatment plants and swimming pools, warehouses, community water supply with ozone water disinfection.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformers, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformers, inductors.


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