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Working principle of power transformer

2023-09-18 15:36:12   Visit:68

              Working principle of power transformer

A power transformer is a common power device that is mainly used to convert AC voltage from one voltage level to another.

A power transformer is a device that converts AC voltage, current and impedance.

The working principle of the power transformer is based on the principle of electromagnetic induction, which realizes the voltage transformation by transforming the size and direction of the electromagnetic field. The transformer has two sets of coils, the primary coil and the secondary coil. The secondary coil is outside the primary coil. When the primary coil is connected to the alternating current, the transformer core generates an alternating magnetic field, and the secondary coil generates an induced electromotive force. The turn ratio of a transformer's coils is equal to the voltage ratio.

The working principle of power frequency power transformer can be expressed by a simple formula: V1/V2=N1/N2, where V1 and V1 respectively represent the main coil and secondary coil and the number of turns. This formula shows that when the voltage in the main coil increases, the voltage in the secondary coil also increases or decreases accordingly, depending on the transformer's transformer ratio.

Power transformer input and output are AC voltage, mainly used in experimental equipment, industrial control equipment, household appliances, instruments and other fields, non-professionals do not buy and use.

For more knowledge about power transformers, high voltage packs and power modules, you can consult Zou Gong, senior design engineer of Shenzhen YLZ.

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