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JW3510 transformer Gewater DCDC wide voltage isolation power commissioning board

2023-09-28 15:25:40   Visit:37

     JW3510 transformer Gewater DCDC wide voltage isolation power commissioning board

Product features:

JW3510 transformer Jaywater 48V3WDCDC Wide voltage isolation power module dedicated for JW3510, LT8301

EE10 transformer, EPC10 transformer, JW3510 transformer, LT8301 transformer, JW3510 transformer drawings, JW3510 transformer DATASHEET, JW3510 transformer price, JW3510 transformer parameters, JW3510 transformer manufacturer

Module description:

  •  This module is only a debugging board, and the output voltage is the voltage after the load. It is for learning and reference only.
  •  Input DC3 to 36V, the maximum output is about 5W, recommended derated use, when the output is lower than 5V (3.3V) power control is better within 2W, when the output is equal to or higher than 5V power control is better within 3W, efficiency depends on the input voltage, transformer turns ratio, etc. The higher the input voltage, the higher the efficiency, it is recommended to increase the turns ratio when the input voltage is lower.
  •  For relatively high stability requirements, the input is best with TVS and insurance, and the indirect 102/2KV capacitors in two places.
  •  For high requirements on output voltage accuracy, the tolerance of feedback resistance shall be 1% accuracy (resistance maximum 100K?), and the output pipe shall be rectified by low-voltage differential tube or MOS tube.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformers, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformers, inductors.

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