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  How Tesla coils work

2023-10-31 15:24:20   Visit:12

                      How Tesla coils work

The Tesla coil is an electric magnetic resonance transformer invented by Nikola Tesla. Its principle is to use the resonance phenomenon of electromagnetic field to convert low voltage high frequency current into high voltage low frequency current.

The Tesla coil is made up of two coils, one called the main coil and the other called the secondary coil. The main coil consists of hundreds to thousands of turns of copper wire. The main coil and the secondary coil are separated by an air gap, which is called the coupling coil.

When the main coil is energized, it generates a high-frequency electromagnetic field. This electromagnetic field generates an induced current in the coupling coil, which in turn generates an electromagnetic field in the secondary coil. Because the secondary coil has more turns than the main coil, the electromagnetic field in the secondary coil will be much stronger than the electromagnetic field in the main coil.

When the electromagnetic field in the secondary coil reaches a certain strength, it generates an electric spark. This spark creates a high voltage low frequency current in the secondary coil. This current can reach millions of volts, enough to produce lightning.

Therefore, the principle of the Tesla coil can be simply summarized as: the use of transformers to boost the ordinary voltage, and then through the bipolar coil, from the discharge terminal discharge equipment.

Tesla coils are very versatile. It can be used in radio communication, medical equipment, scientific experiments and other fields. Tesla coils can also be used to make insecticidal lamps, gas discharge tubes and other products.

The Tesla coil is a very useful electronic device. Its principle is simple, but it can generate very powerful electromagnetic fields and currents. With the continuous development of science and technology, the application of Tesla coils will be more and more extensive.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformers, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformers, inductors.

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