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Classification and characteristics of inductors

2023-02-14 10:25:23   Visit:370

          Classification and characteristics of inductors

An inductor coil is made up of wires wound round by round around an insulated tube. The wires are insulated from each other. The insulated tube may be hollow, or it may contain an iron core or a magnetic core. Represented by L, the units are Henry (H), millihenry (mH), microhenry (uH), 1H=10^3mH=10^6uH.

First, the classification of inductance

Inductance type: fixed inductance, variable inductance.

Classification according to the properties of the magnetic body: hollow coil, ferrite coil, iron coil, copper coil.

Classification according to the nature of work: antenna coil, oscillation coil, choke coil, trap coil, deflection coil.

According to the winding structure classification: single coil, multilayer coil, honeycomb coil.

Second, the characteristics of inductance

An inductor's property is the opposite of that of a capacitor, in that it prevents the passage of alternating current and allows the passage of direct current.

The resistance of the DC signal passing through the coil is that the resistance voltage drop of the wire itself is very small; When AC signal through the coil, the coil ends will produce self-induced electromotive force, the direction of self-induced electromotive force and the direction of the applied voltage is opposite, blocking the passage of AC, so the characteristics of the inductor is DC, AC resistance, the higher the frequency, the greater the coil impedance. Inductors often work with capacitors in circuits to form lc filters, lc oscillators, etc. In addition, people also make use of the characteristics of inductance, choke coil, transformer, relay and so on.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.


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