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Uses of magnetic ring inductors

2023-02-15 10:14:04   Visit:358

           Uses of magnetic ring inductors

What are the uses of magnetic ring inductors? The applications of magnetic loop inductors can be divided into three categories: choke, filter, and shock.


One,choke ring inductors are used to block low-frequency alternating current, pulsating DC to pure DC circuit in low-frequency circuits. It is commonly used in the middle of two filter capacitors at the output end of the rectifier circuit, choke ring and capacitor form Π filter circuit. In high frequency circuit: is to avoid the high frequency current flow to the low frequency end, the high frequency choke in the old radio is this effect. Magnetic ring inductance


Two, filtering: and choke effect is the same, but also prevent the rectifier pulsating DC current flow to pure DC circuit. A pie filter circuit is composed of a choke (to simplify the circuit and reduce the cost, replace the choke with pure resistance) and two capacitors (electrolytic capacitors). Use capacitor discharge effect and choke to pass DC, AC resistance characteristics to complete the smooth DC and obtained DC.


Three, vibration is known to be the commutation of alternating current into direct current, so vibration is the reverse process of direct current into alternating current. The circuit that completes this process is known in the industry as a "vibrator." Vibrator waveform: positive wave, sawtooth wave, trapezoidal wave, square wave, rectangular wave, peak wave. Frequency from a few HZ to dozens of GHZ. It is widely used in the field of cable and radio.


Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.

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