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Structure and application of pulse transformer

2023-02-21 10:25:13   Visit:337

            Structure and application of pulse transformer

I. Structure

The structure of pulse transformer is similar to that of general control transformer. The core part of pulse transformer is composed of conductive winding and magnetic core. But the vast majority of pulse transformer core made of ring, the material is generally Permoly or manganese zinc iron oxide magnetic porcelain; The winding is two-sided or three-sided, and the third winding is generally set to improve some performance. The characteristic of the winding is to change the polarity of the output pulse signal by changing the winding of the secondary winding.

Ii. Main uses

Pulse transformer is widely used in radar and conversion technology. Matching of load resistance and characteristic impedance of the feeder; Increase or decrease pulse voltage; Change the polarity of the pulse; Several secondary windings are used to isolate the transformer secondary circuit from the primary circuit to obtain the phase relationship. The DC component of the isolated power supply part; The strong coupling between the collector (anode) and the base (grid) is obtained in the transistor (or tube) pulse oscillator; A number of secondary windings are used to obtain several pulses of different amplitudes, so that positive feedback is formed between the plate circuit and the grid circuit of the electron tube, or between the collector and the base of the transistor, so as to generate self-excited oscillation; As a power synthesis and conversion element.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformer, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformer, inductor coil.



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