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Advantages and disadvantages of isolating transformers

2023-03-13 15:43:23   Visit:285

         Advantages and disadvantages of isolating transformers

One, Advantages


Like many other electrical devices, the most obvious advantage of using isolation transformers is safety. Isolation transformers improve safety and protect critical equipment for highly dependent applications.

Expensive household appliances, especially medical equipment, are always at risk of damage. Isolating the transformer prevents the failure from continuing and exposes staff and patients to the risk of electric shock.


Isolation transformers are also effective at reducing noise. Their smart design naturally filters out noise, and they use shielding to prevent electric fields from interrupting the flow of electricity. Although some noise is still generated when running electrical equipment, electromagnetic noise is less.

Surge protection

These transformers can also be used to reduce any possibility of power surges. The direct current (DC) signal from the power supply is isolated (as mentioned earlier) so that downstream electrical equipment can operate smoothly without the risk of surges.

Improve power quality

Finally, the isolation transformer improves power quality. The same Faraday shielding that reduces noise also improves system efficiency by reducing the likelihood of current leakage. As a result, electrical equipment can operate at a high level.

Most importantly, isolation transformers are well suited for high frequency operations and high voltage isolation.

Two, shortcomings

But despite all of the above advantages, there are still some disadvantages to using isolation transformers.

In some cases, the isolation transformer will operate as a pulse transformer. When it operates at low frequencies, it introduces distortion into the system and produces unwanted secondary waveforms. And, without going into any of the more complicated details of the disadvantages of using isolation transformers, they are also purpose-built electronic systems. That makes them more expensive transformers to invest in.

We use isolation transformers in applications where the load needs to be isolated from the power supply. Our design minimizes the risk of potential system damage, especially in our uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system, where the isolation transformer operates like a voltage converter.

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