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 Audio transformer

2023-09-11 14:29:02   Visit:92

             Audio transformer

Audio transformer is a transformer that works in the audio range, also known as a low-frequency transformer. It is often used to change the impedance of voltage or load.

In radio communication, radio and television, automatic control as a voltage amplifier, power output circuit components. The frequency response of the audio transformer is uniform in the working frequency band, and its core is stacked with highly conductive magnetic materials. The primary and secondary windings are tightly coupled, so that the magnetic flux passing through the primary winding is almost all connected with the secondary windings, and the coupling coefficient is close to 1. The lowest frequency of the pass band is determined by the inductance of the primary winding, and the highest frequency is determined by the leakage inductance of the transformer. To ensure that the transformer has enough pass band, the inductance of the primary winding should be large, and the leakage inductance should be small. The hysteresis loss of the core and the saturation of the magnetic circuit will cause the signal distortion. The influence of hysteresis loss can be reduced by properly configuring the load and increasing the load current. Increasing the section of the core and leaving an air gap can make the magnetic circuit not saturated, which can reduce the distortion of the signal.

The power transformer works at a fixed frequency, such as 50Hz, 60Hz, etc. The audio transformer works in a wide frequency band, such as 50~2000Hz audio range. The leakage induction and distributed capacitance of the transformer can be ignored in the power transformer, and in the audio transformer, especially at the high frequency end, it becomes the main factor determining its electrical indicators, so certain measures need to be taken to reduce the leakage induction and distributed capacitance. Transformers can reduce interference during audio transport.

The audio transformer is a component of the audio amplifier, so it is necessary to determine the main parameters of the transformer, but also to study the relationship between the amplifier and the audio transformer.

Shenzhen YLZ Technology Co., Ltd. specializes in the design and production of various types of high-frequency transformers, low-frequency (pulse, isolation) transformers, inductors.


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